First Look at Segway Drift W1 e-Skates (Video)

So, what is next after e-Skateboards? Segway thinks that it will be the skates and they are bringing them back with the introduction of their latest product, the Segway Drift W1 e-Skates. It looks nothing like the usual skates but it uses Segway’s self-balancing technology on it.

According to Segway, official details will be announced on 30th August 2018 during the IFA 2018 in Berlin, Germany. There is not much information on the specs. For now, please enjoy this introduction video of the Segway Drift W1 e-Skates.

In my opinion, it looks dangerous. It seems that there are no straps on the device. It utilizes the self-balancing technology to balance while you are stepping on it. I can foresee many people jumping off this devices on pavements.

For myself who has been riding the Ninebot Mini Pro (that utilizes the balancing technology) for a few years, I think the Segway Drift W1 e-Skates is good only for flat surfaces without obstacles. I can imagine a few uneven cracks on the ground will throw you off the Drift W1 e-Skates.

Of course, I would like to try it if given a chance 🙂 . It is something new and with no specs or actual user footage, it is hard to judge.

Will you ride on this Segway Drift W1 e-Skates?
