Twitter Lite is now available in the Google Play Store in 24 more countries across Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East and Latin America including Algeria..
Tag: Twitter
Twitter is 10 (video)
Twitter is 10 years old already. Cannot believe how time flies. I remembered the first time I was introduced to Twitter. I was thinking what kind of messaging..
K-Pop Fans, Follow MAMA 2015 on Twitter
This year, Twitter is bringing MAMA (Mnet Asian Music Awards) 2015 closer to you. Follow key hashtags and accounts for live update of the event which will be..
Singapore General Election on Twitter
The Singapore General Election 2015 is over. Most people have stopped talking about it already. Now, is this a time to reflect what had happened? This is not..
230,000 Tweets about National Day Parade 2015 (#NDP2015)
Singapore’s 50th National Day Parade has broke another record. On the day itself, Twitter registered the most tweets about Singapore National Day Parade 2015..
Twitter rolls out Autoplay feature
Today, if you look at your Twitter tmeline from your computer or iOS devices, you might notice that the videos or GIF images will auto play when you scroll..