A few days ago, I blogged about where you can collect your free masks due to the Wuhan Virus (Novel Coronavirus or 2019-nCov). Now, there is an official website
Tag: PA
Wuhan Virus: How to Check Where to Collect Your Free Masks
The Singapore government is going to distribute 4 masks per household regardless of whether you are living in public housing estates or private housing.
Case Study on PA websites hacking incident
Just received information on the case where Singapore People’s Association (PA) website (and 15 of its affiliated websites) being hacked by the HighTech..
HighTech Brazil HackTeam claimed responsibility for hacking of PA website
Just received this information from Imperva. PA (People’s Association) website was hacked on 2nd December 2012. Until today, it is still not up. According to..
Free 2010 FIFA World Cup Screenings To The Heartlands
Great news for FIFA World Cup fans and those who thinks that the subscription fees for the World Cup is too steep. Received this information from Singtel. SingTel and StarHub along with Singapore Pools have announced that World Cup matches will be screened at 16 community centres across the country […]