Result of AMAP Recommendations on PEV/PMD/E-bike is Out

Within a month after Active Mobility Advisory Panel (AMAP) submitted their recommendations on Electric Bicycles, PMDs and PEVs to the Transport Ministry, the response is out. The Government has accepted in full their recommendations.


This is really great news. With the approval and their commitment to promote awareness, we should be seeing more activities on educating the pedestrians, ebikers, PMDs/PEVs users on how to be gracious co-existing with one another. I believe one of the events that can create such awareness will be the iWheel4Fun on the 24th April 2016. Kudos to our Government for embracing these future transportation devices.

If you need to know more about the recommendations and suggested rules and regulations, click the below link.

Click Here to Read the Full Recommendations

I am especially elated on this outcome because I have been ranting about the e-Scooter issues for some time already. However, I know some people are very unhappy about them. One of the reasons might be some bad experiences they encountered with these transportation devices. Another reason might be unfamiliarity with them. in my opinion, every time when there are new things, there are bound to be people complaining/commenting on them. I am sure that once they see the benefits, the noise will die down.

I am expecting more people will be visiting the parks to enjoy the facilities and sceneries using such devices. On the negative side, more complains about such devices will also surfaced due to lack of graciousness in riding them or vice versa, embracing them on a shared path.

On the long run, to make it successfully, the Government should continuously engage the community to understand the needs/issues and to revisit/tweak the regulations periodically. Let me know how you feel about this matter.

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