Welcome 2011, Thanks For The Support

Time flies. It is already the starting of a brand new year. I take this opportunity to say a Very Happy New Year to everyone. As usual, I would like to recap what has had happened at TechieLobang in 2010 and what to expect for year 2011.

Thank You

First of all, I would like to thank all the readers who supported my blog. It is heartening to see the readership increases over the year and also a booster for me to carry on blogging.

Secondly, thanks to all Media friends, PR agencies who has invited me to many events. I am sorry that I am not able to make it to every event. Thanks for the invite and the friendship built over the year(s).

To my friends who supported me and the blog. Through this blog, I got to know many new friends, bloggers and even my readers. Thank you for the support and appreciate all the help rendered.

To my wife, thanks for the trust and support on my quest 🙂

Post in 2010

Number of Post in 2010: 1,259 Posts

  • January 2010: 106 Posts
  • February 2010: 79 Posts
  • March 2010: 88 Posts
  • April 2010: 111 Posts
  • May 2010: 108 Posts
  • June 2010: 106 Posts
  • July 2010: 119 Posts
  • August 2010: 122 Posts
  • September 2010: 135 Posts
  • October 2010: 111 Posts
  • November 2010: 81 Posts
  • December 2010: 93 Posts

Top Post

I think this should be the Top Post. It has garner more than 75,000 unique visitors since I posted up. So, iPhone is still a big draw.

It is Official, Singapore Will Have iPhone 4 in July 2010

Visitors to Techielobang in 2010

Traffic for TechieLobang (based on AWSTATS, as of 31st December 2010, 1400hrs). Thanks to the support, TechieLobang has been getting millions of hits every month.

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I have been getting a lot of enquiries on advertising. If you are one of them, I am sorry that I did not reply the mail. In 2011, I will revamp the advertising part. I will remove the clutter and add more advertising space. There will still be advertorial post. And I will increase the area to advertise (right now, only 4). I will add in bigger advertorial space (e.g. 160 X 600) on the side.

Click Here to Check Out Advertising on TechieLobang

I promise to reply those mails on advertising 🙂


I guess Giveaway is something new in TechieLobang towards the end of 2010. So, I will continue to work with vendors with good giveaways or mini contest. If you are really interested to get informed, I encourage that you add in your name and email in the subscription list.

Again, thanks for the support, it is growing steadily.


As there are more and more post (2,530 posts), the standard search in blog is inadequate now. I find that since Google index the blog fast, it is a better option to use Google search to find stuffs on the blog. So on the top right, the usual search has been replaced with custom search from Google (yes, it is Google Adsense, and I will get a few cents if you click on the search results.)


Thanks to brands and companies, I have been invited to many events in 2010. I will continue to attend. Free feel to drop me a mail. I will try my best to attend if schedule permits.

Last year, I tried to list out the events that I attended. I think it is too tedious. So, I will not list them out. In future, event will be categorized (actually already did). So, you can check them out using:

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I really appreciate readers or subscription or even companies to give me information on their product. One of the memorable one is Beeconomic. It was a new startup and they requested me to attend their event. Unfortunately, I cannot make it but I still post up their Press Release. Today, they have become a company of Groupon (by Google) and I am really glad on their success!

So, don’t hesitate to send me information on your products, companies (especially local companies). Provide me more information on them. But, do introduce a bit more about yourselves. It is better to know you more first, right?

Today, you can send tip to Techielobang using this email address.


Social Media

I am a big fan of social media. With Twitter, Foursquare, Facebook and others picking up in Singapore, I have tried my best to make TechieLobang more socialable.

Now, you can tweet about a post using the retweet button on the right hand side of a post. You can Buzz (from Google) about it too.

At the bottom of the post, there is also a Like button from Facebook. Click on it if you like a post.

Follow TechieLobang on Twitter as I will be updating the Tweets with my posting. You can also join the Fan Page to continue to get updates.

Most of the time, I will be updating my location on Foursquare (especially during events). You can follow me on Foursquare too.

You can also get updated with TechieLobang RSS. Do subscribe to TechieLobang RSS.



That is the end of a long post.

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Without the readers, supporters, TechieLobang is nothing. I will continue my effort to make TechieLobang as updated as possible. I also welcome feedback.


Wishing everyone a Joyous New Year and a Very Very Happy 2011

Best regards,

Joe Teh

PS: As much as I love my free theme (from Woo Themes), I do have something to admit. For IE and Chrome users, there is some problem with the formatting and I have not resolved yet. I will try to see how it can be done.

(fireworks picture credit: Wikipedia)