Do you have an idea or opinion about Singapore? Get your creative juice going and submit them revolving around 10 themes at 50N 50 website. HISTORY is the..
Tag: Website
What is Sway? It is actually not what some of you may think (video)
According to Coxford Dictionary, SWAY means “calamity” or “catastrophe”. This post is not to discuss it but to introduce Microsoft latest app, SWAY..
How to delete yourself from Internet easily
Many people (like me) have many accounts on many networks. However, some companies make it so difficult for user to remove themselves (Dark Pattern) from the..
Digital Quiz – How vulnerable are you?
Here is a digital quiz on how vulnerable you when you are exposed to the Social medias, the Internet and secure websites that requires password. Of course..
Case Study on PA websites hacking incident
Just received information on the case where Singapore People’s Association (PA) website (and 15 of its affiliated websites) being hacked by the HighTech..
When Free is not Free, USD100 to remove
This is a sick website. You are free to post a picture of potential prostitutes or even your friend. However, if you want to remove that profile, you will need..