Got the last pair of Superga X Star Wars Shoes

I am not a Star Wars or shoes fanatic. But if you combine both with nice design and at an affordable price, I am sold. Thankfully, I did not hesitate yesterday to grab hold of the last piece (my size) of the Super X Star Wars Stormtrooper collection.


Recently, I am into white shoes and has just bought one. However, the Stormtrooper design is so cute that I cannot resist buying another pair. There are actually 4 designs in the Superga X Star Wars collection – Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, R2D2 and C3PO.

I guess the most difficult to match your clothing is the R2D2. It is in blue and silver. However, if you are a fashionista, I am sure it will make a great fashion or geek statement 🙂 . Here are many pictures of my Superga Star Wars Stormtrooper shoes. Enjoy.

It has a large Star Wars logo embossed on its side. I am sure people will notice it.


Here are some close ups.



On the front is the face of a Stormtrooper.


Here is from the front side.


The shoes is made of polysynthetic leather and has a glossy feel. I like it a lot.


There is even a small label with copyrights and trademark to Lucasfilm Ltd.


Here is a look at its sole.


And the back of the shoes.


Oh yes, the box does come with the Star Wars logo.


And if you are interested, here is the label.


BTW, I checked their local (Singapore) official website and it states that the Stormtrooper collection is currently sold out. If you see one, remember to grab it first. At S$129.90, it is still affordable to make a fashion (geek) statement.

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Click Here to Superga X Star Wars Collection
