Attended the Singtel “Gagafy” Yourself event at ComCentre. Well, I must say it is happy ending at last for all Lady Gaga fans who tried their best in gagafying themselves. All of them got a pair of tickets to the Lady Gaga showcase this Thursday. Many must be cursing and swearing now for not attempting. Will share my pics in another post.

Image courtesy from Singtel: More than 150 Lady Gaga fans queue up before the start of SingTel’s ‘Gagafy’ Yourself event at the SingTel Comcentre. Fans were invited to the event by SingTel to showcase their best song and dance moves in a bid to win themselves tickets to this Thursday’s “Born This Way” showcase, organised to celebrate the second anniversary of SingTel’s AMPed music service.
04 July 2011, Singapore – Over 150 Lady Gaga fans gathered at the SingTel Comcentre to showcase their best song and dance moves in a bid to win themselves tickets to this Thursday’s “Born This Way” showcase. The event was a colourful celebration of Lady Gaga’s larger-than-life personality and creativity.
Many outlandish outfits were on display to go along with the high-energy dance moves and powerful vocals. To recognise their enthusiasm and efforts, SingTel gave away a pair showcase tickets to all performers, much to the delight of everyone present.
Yeo Jong Han, 15, Commonwealth Secondary School, said between shrieks of delight: “Winning the chance to watch Lady Gaga, who is the most powerful artiste in the world, means so much to me. It’s not every year that she comes to perform in Singapore”. Yeo was in the first person in the queue together with his friends at 7am.
Lady Gaga will be performing at Marina Bay Sands on Thursday for more than 2,000 SingTel customers and fans to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of SingTel’s AMPed music service.