If you have been wondering if Froyo (Android 2.2) is living up to expectation (in terms of speed), maybe this video can help you to understand more. Engadget has put Froyo and iOS 4 to the test based on Browser speed. Check out the video.
Before the video. The tests was conducted because Ars Technica has posted a comparison of browser experience based on iPhone iOS 4 and Nexus One Froyo (Android 2.2). In their test on Javascript, Froyo is 3 times better than iOS 4.
Click Here to read the report
In Engadget’s tests, they were more practical. Using the same phones, they did a test on 5 websites. In their test, both performance were almost the same. When they turned off the Flash support in Nexus One Froyo, Froyo seems to be just a little better. Watch the comparison video.
With Flash
Without Flash