Did HTC Removed the HTC HD2 Hotfix for SMS?

I did a check on HTC website on any support update for HTC HD2. I was quite surprised to find the recent SMS hotfix is not there anymore. As you may know, HTC HD2 is plagued with SMS issue. Since the launch, HTC has provided 2 hotfixes on the same issue but both did not work (I can confirm that). The “noise” in the Windows Mobile community is very strong, asking HTC to get it fix once and for all and not to push hotfix that does not fix the problem.

I hope that HTC can come up with a better fix fast. It is very annoying to check very single SMS you send. You have to look at your outbox and if it is stuck there, you might need another SMS to push it or you have to reset the phone and delete the message to purge it.

Today, I also discovered that my SMSes did not come in. I hope it is not a new issue but the same issue that HTC has to fix. BTW, the second fix has a few new enhancement. However, after you install it, you cannot uninstall it (unlike other fixes).

Do you face the same SMS issue like me or others?
