Comex 2009 is Coming and Biggest Ever!

Have you got ever of PC shows already? If you have not, Comex is the show for you. This time, it is bigger than the previous show, covering level 1,2,3,4 and 6.


Mark your calendar. Comex 2009 Event is from 10th to 13th of September 2009 at Suntec City. It covers 5 floors and extended to 345,000 square feet due to overwhelming demand.

Originally floored with 330,000 square feet of exhibit space, COMEX 2009 was sold out and has expanded to 345,000 square feet of exhibit space – a COMEX show record – to accommodate the overwhelming demand. This coming COMEX 2009 brings momentum to the consumer technology industry and reinforces COMEX as the Biggest Consumer Technology Exhibition in show history.

What’s more, you will have the chance to win fabulous prizes like: –

PLUS ! For every $100 paid or deposit placed during the show, you will stand a chance to win:

1st Prize: S$ 20,000 CASH
2nd Prize: S$ 3,000 Cash
3rd Prize: S$ 2,000 Cash
And other attractive cash prizes

(* Remember to redeem your COMEX lucky draw coupons @ Level 6 (Hall 602)- Suntec Singapore)

Click Here to Comex Official Website
