Google Enhances Google+ Messenger, Tap to Start Hangout

Google added new functions to Google+ on mobile and Desktop version. One of the most significant functions on mobile is the ability to switch back and forth Messenger and Hangout. Now, you can type a comment on Messenger and with a tap on the Hangout icon, you can Hangout with the person.

This feature will be available to Android first (in a few days) and then to iOS. So, do keep a watch for it.

Apart from this, Google also added several functions to Desktop version.

  • Upgrade any conversation from long-form to live (Message to Hangout with a click)
  • Broadcast and record what matters most (‘On Air’ more accessible to celebrities, public figures and G+ users with large followers)
  • Dial-in friends and family, from all over the world (call a person while hanging out)
  • Never miss a chance to connect (enhance UI to show active hangout and notification if you are invited to hangout)
  • Have some fun, add some antlers (Have fun at Hangout with a virtual pair of antlers)

Click Here to Read from Google Blog
