For those who had difficulty connecting to Facebook News Feed on iPhone app, here is a workaround for it. Thanks to DK for discovering the solution, it is simple and effective.
You just need a few steps:
- Open the Facebook App on iPhone/iPad
- Click on the main menu (as shown below)
- Select “Account” (top left hand corner). You will see below screenshot.
- Select “Help Center”
- Chances that you are not logged in. Log in to Facebook and do the MOST important thing. Remember to select “Keep me Logged in”.
That is it, there should be no trouble now. I guess the trouble started with the latest Facebook App update (Version 3.4.1 on 20th April 2011).
DK suggested disabling the HTTPS browsing setting which he also warned about the security risk. My opinion is to keep the HTTPS browsing on.
Update: Some people had tried and mentioned that it is NOT working. I tried on two different facebook accounts on iPhone and iPad. Initially, it seems not working. The reason is because it was not logged on properly.
My advice for those who had done the steps and not working to try and go back to “Help Center” and see the settings again. It might not log on.
So, after logging on and ticking the “keep me logged on”, remember to try to see the News Feed. It should be ok. End the Facebook app and try again to ensure.
Let me know if this works.
PS: If not working.. can you try to disable secure browsing in your Facebook account (have to do it on a web browser). Go to Account -> Account Settings -> Account Security –> Uncheck Secure browsing.
Remember that it might not be safe/secure in a public network.