Reason on Why Facebook Not Showing Recent Posts

First of all, this information was sent from my friend (Dennis Seow) and the originator of the information is Kim Wollenberg Burgess. So, what is the problem? Have you notice that you are always seeing the same people commenting on your posts or you did not see other postings from your friends on your news feed? Well, if you have such symptoms, there is a reason.

Technically speaking, this is NOT a problem. It is just a setting that Facebook. Here is what happen.

When you click on “Most Recent” on your News Feed, by right, you should be getting the latest posts from your friends. However, there is a news feed setting that is NOT visible to you that is set it to “Friends and pages you interact with most” (shown below).

That means you are NOT getting the latest posts from all your friends but only to friends that you interact most! (Am I the only one who don’t know about this setting)

So, I think you should quickly take a look at this setting. Here is how to do it: –

  • At the News Feed, select “Most Recent”
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page. You should see “Edit Options”. Click on it.
  • Select “All  of your friends and pages” from the scroll down.
  • Save the settings and that’s it!

So, did you see a difference?
