“419 Scams” on Facebook, Users Beware!

Facebook users, beware of some cash scams that is going on. This is an old scam that had been given a new life with social networking exploding in recent years. Some will refer it to “419 Scams” (from Wikipedia, it states “The number “419” refers to the article of the Nigerian Criminal Code (part of Chapter 38: “Obtaining Property by false pretences; Cheating”) dealing with fraud. The American Dialect Society has traced the term “419 fraud” back to 1992.)


According to Straits Times,

‘Once they’ve logged in, the scammers send Facebook Inbox and Chat messages and may even post status updates to the person’s profile asking friends to send money, usually through Western Union,’ Mr Menghrajani said.

So, even if your friends are asking for money via Facebook, make sure that you checked carefully before agreeing.

Read the Full Story Here


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