HP Future Is Event, Campaign, Contest Details Within

Attended HP Future Is event last Saturday. It was more like a social gathering where a lot of the blogger friends were there. The agenda for this event is to discuss The Future with a panel of 6 futurists who will share with us the future trend. And at the end of this discussion, HP launches a new campaign that revolves Future Is. More after the break.

The event was held at Giraffe Restaurant. Very nice ambience. As you can see, the HP Future Is banners are all around the place.

As mentioned, there are many blogger friends who attended this event. This is Chester.

We were told to write on our Tag what we think the future is. These are some of the tag that I saw.

Future is:

  • Fun
  • Funtastic
  • Fabulous
  • Astonishing
  • Bright
  • Now
  • Future Loh
  • Me
  • Unicorns
  • Mobile
  • Great
  • Soon

There are many more. The event started with Bernard giving us a warm welcome.

Following that, we were led by Brian on some break-the-ice session. We were asked to ask hello to our neighbors based on different cultures.

As usual, the bloggers have the bloggers’ way of saying hi, Poken!

Next, we were divided into two groups and our group was tasked to make a futuristic Mobile Gaming Device that has Internet Access, Mobile, Augmented Reality using these.

Here are the people in action.

And our final product.

A mobile device (dual SIM card) with tablet input and a special glasses for Augmented Reality. Of course, not forgetting, we can capture image and video via the camera.

See also  HP Everybody On Event

Final touch up and the presentation.

BTW, look at the gadgets at the event.

The next team has to do a mobile Gym Gadget.

And the final product and presentation.

The event cannot go on without food. So, here is food!

Next, we have Serena, GM from HP, to present to us some interesting facts about technology.

Following that, we have Carol leading a group of Futurists to talk about future trends and technology. They were given 5 minutes to talk about what they think the Future is.

Here are the nice picture of the 5 futurists

Brian started to talk about production trend and how future production can be minimized to desktop size.

Sorry about the poor picture quality. The direct sunlight is not helping us. And the presentation could not be seen clearly. Next, we have Mina who is into Fashion to talk about eCons.

Next up, Daniel Tsou from Tech65.org

And next, Willis of Penn Olson.

Finally, Nicholas from Geekonomics talking about BUB PFUSE. He mentioned our future is: –

Bleak, Uncertain, Bright, Personalised, Fun, Unexpected, Social and Exciting.

Of course, the audiences have many questions for the Panel of Futurists.

One of the questions is quite interesting. With the advance in technology, why are we still gathering here in person, braving the ERPs and carpark to talk about Future?

The answer from the futurists seems to direct to one significant point about the future. No matter how the future is, social interaction must still be around and it will still be part and parcel of our life. BTW, I did not record down the question. It is in my own words 🙂 but of course, the content is similar.

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Finally, before the session ends, a special guest from Microsoft, Mr. Joe Oon, gave a short talk on how our input and interaction is important towards the future of technology.

So, what do you think the future is?

During the event, HP kickstart a brand new campaign called Future Is. HP would like to hear from you. And you can win great prizes. A grand prize of HP TouchSmart 600 (see below) and 2nd and 3rd prize, a HP Mini by Tord Boontje.

Very simple, blog a post on what you think Future Is.

How Blog A Trend works:

Pen a blog post (of at least 300 words), or create a photo story, or even produce a video clip about the most compelling vision of the future. Once it’s up on your blog, email your post to us with the permalink to futureis@ waggeneredstrom.com by 28 February 2010.

Blog A Trend is eligible for bloggers residing in Singapore only.

Click Here to Find Out HP Future Is Campaign
