PSA: CNY Movies Delayed due to Wuhan Pneumonia Outbreak

PLEASE TAKE NOTE! For those who had booked the tickets to the following shows: VANGUARD (急先锋), DETECTIVE CHINATOWN 3 (唐人街探案 3), THE RESCUE (紧急救援), and JIANG ZI YA: LEGEND OF DEIFICATION (姜子牙), their screening will be delayed indefinitely due to the Wuhan Pneumonia Outbreak in China.

This decision in delaying the screening is from the movie distributors of these films.

All four major cinemas, Golden Village, Shaw, Cathay, Eng Wah, have put up notices on how you can get back your money if you have already booked them.

Golden Village

Cathay Cineplexes

Shaw Theatres

Eng Wah

This is the first time (in my memory) that movies were canceled so suddenly due to an outbreak. While some of you might feel frustrated, I feel that it is for the better of everyone since the Wuhan Pneumonia outbreak is spreading, and Singapore has confirmed the first case of the Wuhan Virus ( 2019-nCov) as of this writing.

PS: I have also booked two of the stated shows and have already booked other alternatives.

Stay safe, everyone! Please share this news to those who you think might be affected.