Sneak Peek at Lenovo and Disney AR Headset and Light Saber (video)

What is next, after VR (Virtual Reality) in the game industry? The answer might be Lenovo’s and Disney’s latest creation, a new augmented reality (AR) experience called “Star Wars™: Jedi Challenges.” 


It features an all-new augmented reality headset that was designed to give Star Wars fans an opportunity to recapture some of their favorite moments from Star Wars films in ways never before possible, according to the blog post.

Here is a glimpse of the product.

Featuring an AR headset and a light saber, I am looking forward to seeing this thing in real life. Based on the post by Lenovo, it says that it will bring back “unforgettable moments” from previous Star Wars movies.

One of the experiences discussed was “Holochess” – as first seen played in a match between Chewbacca and R2-D2 in Star Wars: A New Hope. Like so many of the unforgettable moments from the Star Wars films, the technology to bring these experiences to life has never existed… until today.

So, if you are a hardcore Star Wars fan, go and sign up to get the latest updates on the development.

Click Here to Sign Up at JediChallenges

BTW, for the uninitiated, VR is Virtual Reality where it “transports” you to a virtual environment. AR is Augment Reality where it “interacts” with your current environment with virtual objects. I love the latter.
