Intel introduces Compute Stick, a Quad Core computer in a stick

Move away Chromecast, there is a new kid in town and it is called Compute Stick. At just slightly bigger than a large thumbdrive, the Intel Compute Stick is actually a computer with Quad-Core Atom CPU, 32GB of storage and 2GB of RAM, with a USB port, WiFi and Bluetooth 4.0 support and a mini-USB connector for power.


I am amazed that Intel can cram everything into this small body. At just USD149, you can now run your favorite Windows 8 app since it is running Windows 8.1. Based on the report, it will be available in March.

I am sure many amazing things will happen once the consumers/inventors/developers got hold of this sleek little device. BTW, there is also a Linux version sold at a lower cost (USD89).

Click Here to Know More about Intel Compute Stick


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