If you love drawstring backpack but hate the way you have to balance the drawstring every time you open the bag, this reinvented Mochibag drawstring backpack might be for you.
This drawstring backpack is actually a Kickstarter project. Here is their video.
Impressive? As you can see in the video, they have nailed most of the problems in a drawstring backpack. And cleverly, they increase their reach by creating special editions of their product.
Now, the drawstring backpack is no longer just an additional bag. You can now use it in many situations. For example, take a look at the Special Edition NERO Mochi. Now, businessman can carry a drawstring backpack without feeling that it is out of place.
I am actually a backer for this project too. For your info, the projected was funded in 2 days after launched. Now, I am aiming for the stretched goals 🙂 . Feel free to take a look at the project.
Click Here to Mochibag Drawstring Backpack