Digg added more features to Digg Reader

Ever since the death of Google Reader, two prominent readers that have been hogging the headline is Digg reader and Feedly. Currently, I am using both of them. Now, Digg has updated its reader to add three more features to it. In my opinion, these features should have been there since day one.


Here are the 3 features.

View Unread Only
To browse only your unread items, simply click All Items in the top right corner, then select Unread Only.

Mark As Unread
You can now mark read items as unread by clicking on the button at the bottom of the item or using the keyboard shortcut, m.

Export Your Subscriptions
You can now download your subscriptions as an OPML file. Simply visit the Settings page and click Export.

And if you have more ideas, you can also contribute to Digg.

Click Here to Check Out or Submit Ideas


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