How to use Google Maps or any transport apps with Siri (Video)

Since Google Maps has been launched on iOS a few days ago, we have heard so much good things about it. I did a simple demo on the Google Maps and tried it on the road. Now, here is a simple way to activate Google Maps with Siri (no hack required), thanks to Jailbreak Nation.

In fact, with this method, you can open up any transport app to get to your destination. The trick is the way you ask Siri. For example, if you ask Siri the direction to a “destination”, it will open up the Apple Maps by default.

However, if you ask the direction and end the question with “via transit“, it will open up another screen to let you choose the app to use to get to your destination.

Check out this short video for a demo.

(source via Gizmodo)

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