The Foursquare Rap – “Badges Like Us” – Video Within

Hey, who’s in Foursquare? Foursquare is one of the “IN” thing right now. Checking in to venues (places) wherever you go. The actual purpose of Foursquare is simple. It is about exploring. Exploring a city, digging out new places, sharing with friends so that they can visit that place. It can be quite addictive.Video of the Foursquare rap after the break.

However, I know people gave up Foursquare because of cheating (by others people) to earn badges. If you are one of those doing it, stop now. It spoils the initial intention of Foursquare.

BTW, you can find me in Foursquare. My username is joeteh

Anyway, some folks are so obsessed with Foursquare that they actually came up a Rap for it. Enjoy…


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