How Peaceful is Your Country?

Singapore is always aiming for the best in the World. Now, what about our Peace Index? What is our ranking amongst the 162 countries? Based on 23 different types of data, which is the most peaceful country in the world?


Not surprisingly, we are not the top. Neither are we very bad in terms of the ranking. In 2015, Singapore has a ranking of 24 out of 162 countries. Not bad. However, based on the studies, it seems like countries are getting less peaceful especially for those in the “top” region.

Europe scored better as compared with the rest of the World. Asian countries are not bad

Here are the 23 data that were analyzed.

  1. Perceptions of criminality
  2. Security officers & police
  3. Homicide
  4. Incarceration
  5. Access to weapons
  6. Intensity of internal conflict
  7. Violent demonstrations
  8. Violent crime
  9. Political instability
  10. Political terror
  11. Weapons imports
  12. Terrorism impact
  13. Deaths from internal conflict
  14. Internal conflicts fought
  15. Military expenditure
  16. Armed services personnel
  17. UN peacekeeping funding
  18. Nuclear and heavy weapons
  19. Weapons exports
  20. Displaced people
  21. Neighbouring countries relations
  22. External conflicts fought
  23. Deaths from external conflict

And here are the top 10 most peaceful countries

  1. Iceland
  2. Denmark
  3. Austria
  4. New Zealand
  5. Switzerland
  6. Finland
  7. Canada
  8. Japan
  9. Australia
  10. Czech Republic

The bottom of the list

153. North Korea
154. Pakistan
155. Democratic Republic of the Congo
156. Sudan
157. Somalia
158. Central African Republic
159. South Sudan
160. Afghanistan
161. Iraq
162. Syria

Based on the way it was analyzed, countries that have less security people or weapons scored very well. Singapore scored “badly” when it comes to military and weapons. We scored a 5 out of 5 for Weapons Import and 4.5 out of 5 for Security Officers and Police (BTW, lower is better).

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Click Here for the Interactive Maps to See the Peace Index of Your Country

You can also download the PDF version which have more information.

Peace to all!
