Anonymous started countdown to #OpCharlieHebdo against terrorists (video)

Normally, you won’t see the word “Terrorist” in TechieLobang headlines or content unless it is something fun/knowledge related or just some products with such names. This is the first time I am writing an article related to terrorism directly. Face the fact, terrorism happens anywhere, everywhere regardless of country, race, or religion.


The senseless (to me and many others) killing of Charlie Hebdo (Weekly Charlie) journalists, cartoonists and satirists had shocked the world. Thankfully, the ordeal had ended with the death of the terrorists (and some hostages) just hours ago. Condolences to the family members of the fallen.

However, in our mind, we know that this is just a few terrorists who went ahead with the killing of the innocence in public. There are other terrorists who are sitting comfortably in front of their computers luring people to fight with or for them via social media, videos, websites and etc as a platform for their twisted agenda.

I remembered more than a year ago when Anonymous demanded the Singapore Government to treat the people of Singapore fairly. I don’t agree wholeheartedly on their mission statement (and their actions of hacking the sites) but it was a good wake up call for our Government to invest on our technology infrastructure to prevent attacks.

Now, the same group (I believe) has issued a statement saying that they are going after suspected terrorists and to “expect a massive reaction” from Anonymous. In a separate source, it was understood that the Anonymous are after terrorists who are using websites, social media accounts (Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and etc) and to shut down down in a kind of “revenge”.

See also  UFO in Singapore finally identified (video)

Here is the video (English version)(French version HERE)

At the same time, a website started a counter with a logo of a crescent moon and star and with the hashtag #Op.Charlie.Hebdo. Not sure if they are related but seems that there is sort of coordinated plan for it.

It may seem like justice is being served (depending on your view) by this hacker group if they go ahead with their plan. I am sure a lot of people will support Anonymous this time. However, please exercise diligent on your side on understanding what are rights or wrongs, and what are truths or lies. Do not use this #OpCharlieHebdo as another twisted agenda to seek revenge on any race/religion.

The reason I am saying this is because I understand that there are already some Muslim websites that are already down even though they are totally not related to Terrorists.

So, peace to everyone and may all terrorists be flushed out of the world.
