Barack Obama Opens Website to Public

US PRESIDENT-ELECT Barack Obama who is touted as a techie person who uses social network during the election time to garner votes is again opening up the techie door by using his website to get the public to post questions to the government.

Recently, on one of the news, Obama’s blackberry was retired due to the high security risk as terroist may be able to hack his phone or track his location. Now, without his Blackberry, he is using another innovative idea to open himself to the public. This is a good move, in my opinion.

On the website, there is a new function called ‘Open for Questions’. You will have to be a registered user to post questions. Other users vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as to whether they like a question or flag it as ‘inappropriate’. And the usual applies. No irrelevant questions and etc.

BTW, to register, you will need to submit your first and last name, ZIP code, email address and a password.

From Straits Time report,

The top question with 645 ‘yes’ votes was from a user named ‘Diane’ in New Jersey who asked: ‘What will you do to establish transparency and safeguards against waste with the rest of the Wall Street bailout money?’

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